Accoring to big earrings are back for Spring 2009! (Well in my case they haven't gone anywhere). They are to be worn with short hair and long hair pulled back or up in a ponytail, braids or bun. This includes, chandeliers, door-knockers, and big clip ons. My favorite look is putting multiple clip-ons on one ear as seen below:

Photo credit:
Pictured from left to right Marni, Louis Vuitton & Rachel Comey
My recommendations for pulling of this look on a budget are:
1. Visit your local thrift store! Many have big clip ons for under $10
2. Get creative! Buy some inexpensive door knockers pull out your hot glue gun and get to wrapping to achieve the twisted door knocker Louis Vuitton look.
3. Take any cool old buttons and broken earrings you have laying around and pull out that hot glue gun again!
Have fun searching out and creating your new earrings!
Until then, I'm dusting off my hot glue gun!
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