Flamboyant, energetic style or action; dash; verve inspired by Eubie.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Firery Apologies

Fire Dancing

My mind and body has been all over the place and stretched thin at times. Partially my fault because I now realize have issues saying no to people. I will start blogging again and I just wanted to share a few images I came across while googling "fire." I'm working on a really cool fire-related design project that I will be sharing with everyone soon.

Fiery Gown
Found at: Deviantart.com
Firery red plaid shirt 
Found at: Kanyesblog.com

 I am also working on two (maybe three) charity fashion shows so if you would like to donate fabric and materials please email me: chaythegreat@gmail.com.

AND still looking for interns in NYC!

Until then,



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