Flamboyant, energetic style or action; dash; verve inspired by Eubie.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tokyo! Look! Asia Society Lecture/ Afterparty

(L to R) Yuniya Kawamura (Professor of Sociology, Fashion Institute of Technology);
Dan Bailey (Co-founder, Tokyo Dandy);
Nicole Michalek (Senior Designer, Nylon magazine, USA)

Last week I attended a lecture on Tokyo fashion and subcultures at Asia Society called "Tokyo! Look!" It was very interesting hearing Dan Bailey of Tokyo Dandy speak about his experiences in Tokyo and look at all the great photos he has taken of fashionable partygoers.  Like these:

Afterwards there was a party in the museum (sponsored by Asahi and TY KU)with a fashion presentation by Candy:

Not your average hoodie...

They took the bubble coat I had in high school and remixed the hell out of it. LOVE IT! 

These girls were too かわいい!

I had a blast (and two many beers)!

Until then,



Unknown said...

How fun! A party in a museum?! Love it, TYKU always thinks of such creative parties to throw

Who is Chay$theGreat? said...

Yeah it was sooo much fun! Thanks for commenting :)

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